Sunday, December 2, 2007

Say it aint so!

First, the idiotic figurehead of the republican party (that would be incurious George) had to read the names of the Israeli and Palestinian participants at the so-called peace talks off of a cheat sheet. Is it too much to ask that our highest (s)elected official do three minutes of research before going into one of the most important meetings of our time? Could you at least make a tiny showing of taking it seriously, sir? We all know you don't give a crap, but just pretend, for appearances, ok? To make matters worse, he mispronounced their names.
The most obvious sign that the Bush group could not possible care less about the proceedings, or the Palestinians, was when, according to Thom Hartman, Condoleeza Rice, ever the professional, sat it the front row flashing her pussy to all the Muslim men.
Ok, Rice, you don't have to wear a floor length robe and head scarf, but...and maybe you did not know this...a big part of diplomacy is to be aware of the cultures of the people you are meeting with, and to make some small effort to respect their culture.
Giving the Muslim participants the middle finger, in the form of mini skirts and crotch shots may advance the Bush agenda of antagonism, but it is no way to conduct a peace talk.

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