Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hillary Clinton Campaign: A Train Wreck.

The angry, mean-spirited and desperate Hillary Clinton has run one of the most gaff filled democratic campaigns in history. Even with the entire media machine on her side, (with the exception of a few progressive voices) and even with the overwhelming get-out-the-vote campaigns for Hillary BY THE RIGHT, ensuring her more votes in the primary than she would ever get in a general election, she has not been able to overcome her deserved negatives. With a 30 year head start, she still could not overcome her own earned bad reputation. Her campaign has been a car with no brakes, plunging down a hill toward a cliff, picking up speed all the time. And then yesterday Hillary, no one else but her (lest she try to play her poor-me, victim role again) plunged her campaign into the abyss.
This clip summarizes Hillary's campaign.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Candidate of choice, John Edwards, endorses Barack Obama

John Edwards' speech today as he endorsed Barack Obama reminded me why he was and is my main choice as candidate for President. He is a class act. I hope he gets a good place in the Obama cabinet and runs again in eight years.

Yo Hillary!!!
She's singing, Hillary!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eat up, Coach!

Well, as an Obama supporter I am disappointed that top rated radio show host Ed "The Coach" Schultz called it wrong for Obama in Pennsylvania. I wanted Obama to take it.
Still, Obama made a good showing and is stillway ahead in delegates and in popular vote in big states like my state (Washington) and Texas.

Now then, Coach, time to make good. Lunch is on us.
Enjoy the crow.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Dino Rossi Transportation Plan

Dino Rossi and other state republicans have been working long and hard for the last four years to come up with a comprehensive solution to our regional transportation problems. A light rail as swift and modern as they can envision it. Ready to roll out just in time for the campaign, here is what they came up with...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bad News! The sow is back!

No sooner were we rid of the lying "female Rush Limbaugh" (her words) then am 1090 announces Randi Rhodes got picked up by the struggling Nova M radio network. Worse, am 1090 plans to air the gas bags show, even over Seattle listeners protests.

I recommend everyone turn am 1090 OFF for those three hours and tune into DemocracyNow and also Free Speech Radio News, which are real progressive programing and air on KBCS 91.3 fm public radio.
Also, to help get this contemptuous ego-maniac off the air in Seattle, don't forget to withhold support for sponsors of that show.

Great news for Seattle Progressive Radio!!

The gross and dishonest Randi Rhodes, a loud mouthed and self aggrandizing liar got suspended and then fired from the Air America network.
This is a talker with a small but blatting fan base. She never should have had a nationwide show.
My guess is that some other progressive network will pick her up. Nova picked up Mike Malloy when Air America fired him. Maybe they will put her on. I just hope that our local station, am 1090, will have the good sense to keep that pig off the air. She gives us all a bad name.